Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to be fit to start CrossFit?

Absolutely NOT! You do CrossFit to become FIT, you don’t have to be fit to start. Crossfit is highly modifiable and can be changed to whatever level of fitness you come in with and it will grow with you!

Do you sell supplements?

Yes! We sell Driven Nutrition protein, pre-workout, creatine & collagen. We also sell Premier Protein premade shakes and Beyond Raw Lit canned Preworkout.

Is there a discount if my family comes?

Yes- there is a discount for both the commercial gym and CrossFit! The price is discounted for each additional family member added.

Stop in and ask us about it or call us!

Is there space for me to store my stuff while I work out?

we have lockers for your stuff while you work out, please bring your own lock if you plan to lock it. Please remove your stuff at the end of the end of the day. We are not responsible if something is stolen.

Is there a specific dress code?

Not specifically, please wear appropriate gym attire. During the winter please change into clean and DRY shoes in the lobby before entering the gym area.

Is there someone who can show me how to use the equipment?

Yup! Go to the front desk and ask for help!

Are the Crossfit workouts posted somewhere?

Yes- if you have a membership you can log into the ZenPlanner app and see all the workouts for the week. If you are not a member: ask a coach, DM the Instagram or email us!